- Helping you to understand the Daf
- Helping you to remember teachings of the Daf
- Overview of the Daf
- Distinctive Insight
- Halacha Highlight
- Review and Remember
- Stories off the Daf
Your content provides superb and excellent chazara. Everyone in my shiur benefits from it. This is an indispensable tool for anyone doing the Daf!
M.D.; Toronto, Canada
I don't know if I could keep up with the Daf Yomi schedule, if not for your publication.
J.S.; Chicago, IL
I love your daily report on the daf. It provides a great chazarah, while making the daf come alive with halacha.
S.G.; New York, NY
As a Maggid Shiur, I find it very helpful.
Y.F.; Melbourne, Australia
Thank you for this wonderful publication.
R.G.; Johannesburg, South Africa
I enjoy the topics. It helps make the subjects come alive and gives me tidbits which I would not have gleaned. It also acts as a springboard for further learning.
T.B.; London, United Kingdom
As we approached the last Siyum, I wanted very much to ensure that this next cycle would be at a higher level; your Daf Yomi Digest is a perfect fit. It gives me the format and the guidance for chazara that's just right. I can't thank you enough.
F.G.; Denver, CO
This is a superior daily Daf study summary.
J.I.; Yerushalayim
I am in the Army as you can tell from my e-mail address. I look forward to receiving the Daf Digest because it helps me with learning and still keeping a connection with Torah observance.
I give a daily shiur and I think your publication is amazing, the stories and halacha column give life to the shiur! Thank you so much
M.B; Melbourne, Australia
It is amazing what you can fit on two pages! The stories are a particular hit.
A.L.; Queens, NY
I enjoy the practical applications of the relevant daf and the wide range of sources brought.
S. B.; Yerushalayim
I particularly like "Stories off the Daf" when I am teaching Daf Yomi. It creates a wonderful discussion, especially when dealing with a difficult inyan. Kol Hakavod for producing it.
M.P.; Netanya, Israel
Daf Digest provides excellent information and is very beautiful.
D. S.; Merano, Italy
Daf Digest is superb!
E.S.; Montevideo, Uruguay
Every morning I open my email and use Daf Digest to review the Daf I learned the night before. No better way to start the day!
Y.R.; Beit Shemesh, Israel
Daf Digest is a crucial resource when the subject has been hard to grasp.
I.J.; Manchester, United Kingdom

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